Site du Contrôleur Général des Lieux de Privation de Liberté



“Deprivation of liberty – these three little words denote places, hidden from public view, where people are detained, often, alas, in unacceptable conditions.

The CGLPL’s role is to monitor them, to ensure that fundamental rights are respected and nobody therein is subjected to any inhumane or degrading treatment.

We will continue to tirelessly visit people deprived of liberty and put forward recommendations to protect their rights, as a matter of urgency where necessary.

Finally, to prevent any risk of such a great institution becoming a mere front, I, together with the CGLPL team, will do all we can to ensure that our beliefs are acted upon.”

Dominique SIMONNOT


[i] The Contrôleur général des lieux de privation de liberté is, in France, the national preventive mechanism ( NPM), under the optional protocol to the United Nations Convention against Torture (OPCAT).