Site du Contrôleur Général des Lieux de Privation de Liberté

The first activity report

Jean-Marie DELARUE, appointed as Contrôleur général des lieux de privation de liberté on June 13th 2008, has submitted his first activity report to the Président de la République and the Chairmen of the Parliament.

As it is noticed in the law of October 30, 2007 implementing the « Contrôleur général des lieux de privation de liberté », this report was published in a meeting with the press on April, 8th.

Meeting with press on april, 8th


The activity in 2008

  • 144 mails between July 1st and December 31, 2008
  • 68 % of submissions are coming from people who are deprived of liberty or from his advocate ;
  • 86 % of submissions are related to the management of prisons ;
  • in 42 % of submissions , an inquiry was asked to the competent authority ;
  • 52 places in which people are deprived of freedom were visited from September 15 to December 31;


 Besides a balance of his activity, the Contrôleur general wishes on the first hand to present, in this report, the main findings after the fifty two happened visits in 2008, and on the other hand to spread on two items:

  • Registers of custody;
  • Privacy in places in which people are deprived of freedom;

This report is only  available in French 

Download activity report 

Download annexe

It is also available in bookshops (Le Contrôleur général des lieux de privation de liberté – Rapport d’activité 2008, Dalloz-Sirey ed,. Paris, April 09, ISBN : 978-2-247-08483-8)